
Ski Patrol & Avalanche Recovery Assets

Highlight Rescue Assets

Use HEL-STAR® to light up rescue efforts. Waterborne teams benefit from the bright marker lights.

Waterproof & Shock Proof

Waterproof: HEL-STAR 6® 130 ft and HEL-STAR EXO® 66 ft. Dustproof, shock & vibration resistant

Easy to use
Easy to Operate

Multi-Function lights, designed to be easily used while gloved or in dexterity challenging movements

Click the buttons below to learn more about each model


  • Multi-Function Lights with Omni-directional visibility

  • Compact sleek design with integrated tie-downs & easy to change battery

  • Enhanced tactile operation offering control between modes & functions

  • Field reprogramming available with Program Interface Module (PIM)

  • User customization available including colors, flash patterns, and intensity

  • Waterproof: HEL-STAR 6® 130 ft and HEL-STAR EXO® 66 ft.

  • Dustproof, shock & vibration resistant

  • Exceeds FAA 3 statute mile visibility


  • Easily identify personnel, drones, and K9’s or mark support position

  • Enable downed personnel to indicate their need for medical attention allowing RFT teams to easily ID them on approach

  • Label different teams and K9’s in various environments providing personnel with valuable real-time TOC intelligence

  • Team tracking using NODS, rescue overwatch, or helo’s above
    Monitor & distinguish between divers during SAR missions

  • Utilize during training and on the range

  • Mark/identify personnel increasing safety and situational awareness